Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Taking care of your equipment

Hi bloggers  my name is Clara and Welcome to 2018, this year we started Cyber smart and what we were learning about in Cyber smart  was the Kawa of Care. We used one of the Kawa of Care rules to make a D.L.O, we could make an animation, video or poster and I chose to make a poster about keeping our chrome book equipment safe and I put in a few rules to of how to keep the equipment safe. Here is a poster of what I have done.

Poster about the plastic in the ocean

Hello bloggers. This year we have been learning about the plastic that has been going into the ocean and how it's not good for the sea life. We could either do a poster, slide or animation about plastic flying into the ocean and getting eaten by other fish. I chose to make a poster about what happens to the plastic when it falls into Mother natures seas. on my poster I put in some info about  why we should not put plastic into our seas, I also put in a suggestion of what we should do to help the sea life and that we are responsible for killing them.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

we are working on using descriptive language by sharing our writing straight onto our blog

Hey bloggers.The challenge we have is to describe a place using only six sentences.  After reading the description you need to guess the place that has been described. It would really help if you say what clues helped you come to this conclusion. let the guessing begin.

1. I start to breath really hard as the heat falls upon me as if it was twelve blankets on me when it is a sunny day.

2.I am inside an Island that is close to the equator and it begins with an A.

3. where I am has a large lagoon that almost covered up all the land in the country I am in.

4.I can hear singing in languages I won't be able to understand.

5.there are boats that give you a tour around this country and you also get to have a swim and see sea creatures that you can't see in New Zealand.

6. I then swim upon painful corals with a fish that looks like one which is named the Stone fish.

where am I? by Clara